Posts Tagged 'emma james nlp'

Inspiring times – NLP in Bath/Bristol and the tardis

There is something about the West Country. Its almost like stepping into another dimension with a completely different atmosphere and houses made out of a substance not seen up here in the Northern dimension!

The NLP Practitioner courses I have run there have been outstanding and anyone from other galaxies who attends a course there – feels the same way I do! So, now I have another Practitioner course running there in July and August and also a Masters at their end of the year as I have to admit I believe I have found the best venue ever! This time though, not only do we have people from the local area, we also have people from up North and Germany as well attending, so the call of the West Country galactic zone is spreading!

As you can tell, I am in the middle of another Anton Wilson book and everything has gone very quantum so please excuse the references!

Something has happening over the last few months where the private clients I have been seeing have been some of the most talented and amazing individuals I have ever met. We all have our own barriers to break but some of these individuals have overcome such adversity, it is truly humbling. I have had the opportunity to watch as they changed their circumstances and came back from a place where they believed there was no hope, no future and no way out. When this happens, I know the decisions I made about keeping my courses to 6 people and ensuring they understand every aspect of the interventions and practicalities, were the right thing to do. It means that when they leave, they have the ability and depth of knowledge to deal with people in their chosen careers and make a real difference, not only with others but with themselves.

So many of my associates laughed when I said I was keeping my numbers to 6 on my own courses, “how could I make any serious money doing like that”, “its their responsibility to understand the course” and “that becomes too personal” were the comments I had. Unfortunately, this helped me see that I was doing the right thing and what was important to me was assisting people who wanted to do the course be the best they could be…….so I knew I was on the right track. Unfortunately this meant that the people who just wanted the certification to hang on the wall, wanted to just cruise and “just get by” were going to be deterred from my courses, but frankly, thats fine. 

As usual, I have gone off topic. Its all getting very exciting at the moment with my new book coming out shortly, the publisher made the mistake of allowing me to do the front cover which apparently has caused the printers a heart attack when they saw it! Well, it will give them more tolls then for the future I suppose! The trade marking process is in full swing and I am hoping will be finished soon and its all happening.

Remember, when you visit the West Country, take your teleporter with you as you will have trouble leaving to return to your own galaxy – you may not want to come back!


Onwards and Upwards

So, here we are the last day of the practitioner and one hell of a week.

Aside from a most inspiring group, a couple of people really made the job of, the training. the time, the effort, the wishes for every person – completely worthwhile.

Isnt it amazing when you watch some people, you just see the potential bristling within and waiting to be seen by everyone when they leave the course. It also brings the fact home to you that you are very much that people are amazing creatures and the couragiousness and “leaps of faith” they take on a daily basis. they constanly surprise me!

So – next week, more sports optimisation courses, more therapy clients and getting “that damn” book finished and seeing people change and grow and haing my beliefs and universe once again turned on its access.

AND tonight apprently I am apparently presenting someone a World Title Belt although I am not quite sure what for! From my competing career I still get requests for these things although when you are running a course its almost as thought world stops and nothing exists apart from those people on the course and I only manage to sort my life out each evening into my training at the gym and grabbing a protein shake!

I’m sure I will find out what the event is when I get there!!

Better more coherent writings tomorrow!

Until then…………………….

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