Posts Tagged 'emma james nlp'

Re-Identification. When it feels like you lost that drive

Re-Identification. When it feels like you lost that drive.

Re-identification is a process I developed and use with many clients and also myself.

It all came from a session I did with a client who had lost that “fire” when getting ready for an important competition and as we were talking, I was putting myself in the same position and then something happened……………

Most of us who have been competing for a while, have experienced that terrible foot dragging feeling of getting through a pre competition build up and wiling ourselves to get through days of training even though we are really focused. Its an odd situation – you are committed to competing and want to do it but that drive isn’t there we had when we first started in those first couple of years.

There are a number of elements which happen, some of them are too in depth  to go into here which in include a shift in values levels etc, but the actual process of adding elements into what was a simple and clear path to competing increase over time. So what does this mean?

Over time, our lives become more complicated with relationships, jobs or business, our priorities change, pressure can increase as you go up the ladder of success in your sport and additional trappings you never had to consider before get latched onto and intertwined with the gaol you want to achieve. Its no longer “I want to win”, “I want to smash this record” or “I want to stuff my opponent into oblivion” – it can become “I don’t want to let all these people who have helped me down”, “I don’t want to look like a twat because everyone will be watching me” or “ I have to win otherwise my sponsors will drop me”. We start to lose the essential drivers (values criteria)  we had which gave us that unstoppable push right at the beginning. We forget what is important to us at the root level which makes us motivated to compete and succeed and it gets crushed and suppressed under the other obligations.  

When I sat with the client who was a professional footballer, I took him back to a time when football was everything he ever wanted and he was happiest. He recited an event when he 13 years old and standing on the pitch and full of excitement, a feeling of confidence that he deserved to be there, complete focus on the game and that feeling we all get of being encapsulated in a bubble where nothing existed outside it…………………and most of all…………….it was FUN.

He was “re-identifying” with the original values which made football for him what he ultimately wanted to do and his ideal state of mind. Now, obviously things change in our lives but the absolute core values which band together to create what we classify as “motivation” or “happiness” generally tend to stay the same. Some elements will change yes but tapping into and identifying those pure values can make us realise what we have lost or are not fulfilling in order to get that drive back.

This is where the “re-identification process” came from which I now teach my students and have put into a degree course I am lecturing on.

It doesn’t stop there – we now have to DO SOMETHNIG with this information.

So, at that time we do a process which enables us to look objectively at those values and utilise them into our situation now. You might think this a bit odd but it is a process of disassociation allowing you to think objectively and not in the clouded state we can get ourselves into where we cant see anything as emotional state prohibits the view.

So, at that moment I asked the client to step out of the body of the 13 year old and be standing on the pitch beside him as him current self. Now, ask the 13 year old boy what he thinks he should do to regain that fire he used to have. So – what we want to do at this point is to establish, through the mind set of the 13 year old, the criteria and motivation. At which point we got a reply of “stop fannying about, enjoy the bloody game and your mates and remember you love this sport and this is what you are doing it for. Its FUN for ****s sake!”.

This may seem very simplistic but  the process of reconnection gives us a tangible path to re-apply those values into our training and competing now and also fire the neurological connections attached to those values.

Remember – this is coming from YOU and those elements you forgot along the way with the sponsors, the day in day out concentration on technique and pressure of success get lost so we need to re-identify with those criteria.

Alright – so we have the dissociated elements and now we have to put them into practical use. So, what do you need to do and remember now to re-identify with them. For my client, changing the way he viewed the management was paramount from “oppressors” to “nobs with good intention” (which is how he thought about the coaches and managers when he was 13) due to resentment and demotivation of how he was viewing them now as well a series of steps to follow pre training in the way he used to when he was 13.

Now, his performance has improved, his motivation has increased and he also has been spotted to go to another Premier League team at the end of his contract in an upwards move. Additionally, any clients who have gone through this process have also increased performance and drive……………as well me as the therapist.

Re-connection and application of those core elements can cut through the mire of  baggage we accumulate as life becomes more complicated from when we didn’t have any money and would have done anything to succeed and when it was “simple”. We don’t lose parts of us which were once there, they just get buried and all the neurological connections which are associated and fire with them are still there, they just need to be “re-awakened” and that is also the reason why when we go back to that ultimate time of motivation that we still can get that feeling back and the more often we can access them, the stronger those physiological connections become.

2013 is a year for many of us who want to push the boundaries, can put into practice a huge amount of experience and learning curves to come together and create that ultimate performance. No failure is ever a failure, it is a unique opportunity to use an experience no one else has had to improve and to give you that extra advantage the others who are continuously winning don’t get.


NLP and the degrading Training standards bringing it to its knees

As an NLP Trainer for some years and also having run trainings in a number of different countries, the standard of Trainers being produced and the momentum for a cash generating machine seen by the unethical seems to have brought a wonderful technique and tool to its knees.

Not only have we got badly trained NLP Practitioners being told they are “competent” and passed to go on to do some of the most appalling work I have seen including in the self-defense field and sport field which is nothing short of dangerous through to infective therapy and atrocious communication skills being touted as “experts”.

The integrity in my industry from a training point of view now has trainers producing 7 day courses with NO pre course study, high numbers and low prices on the courses making it impossible to properly assess if each student is in fact reaching a certifiable standard on each module. I am passionate about what I do and have seen the results well-trained students can get and also the ability to not only transform their own lives but also evolved the techniques even further but this is only possible if true understanding of the techniques is acquired.

On line training, now being market and the appearance of the “Diploma” in NLP which is NOT a certification  – it is a 3 or 2 day introduction ONLY and used as a sale technique in order to get people to buy full NLP Practitioner courses is killing the integrity of this industry. Along with that, certain governing bodies who will certify you as a trainer in only 3 days is probably the most irresponsible and damaging money-making scam I have seen in some time and of course as there is no real regulation, is allowed to carry on.

This is probably one  of the reasons I had decided to back away from the courses, as only taking 6 people and charging £900 is still more than if you choose to do it on line, will pass as long as you pay the money and really wont be assessed at all.

Unless a real governing body (NOT owned by a training company) is produced we will continue to see this once wonderful discipline fall into even more disrepute than it already has and I am now to a degree almost ashamed to say I am a Trainer of NLP due to the level so many have brought it to.

We really must (those that still have some integrity left) call for some regulatory body which hopefully will stop these practices and bring into place the continued upholding of real certification standards which is not run by or associated to a training company which is frankly unethical in its very being and bring this once ecological

Emma James NLP Training

NLP Training

discipline back to the ethical state it was once in.

Knives and futures

well, here I am, on a ferry to Dublin taking my shoulder with me to Belfast to all ow uncertsin fate to happen to it.
From the heights of winning the world powerifting championships and taking a new world bench press record, to the stark reality that Emma James and her NLP Sport performance cannot cure all, is making me a miserable passenger!
The one and only time the LNP mental coaching techniques I teach could not deal with the pain was from about 6 months prior to the World champions when an incidentof trying to not stand on the cat meant a sudden impact to an already buggered shoulder.
I am an NLP Trainer, I am a known leading therapist in weight, esting related disorders and sport and related problems, however, right now I am being human and having “what if” moments.
What if I cant compete again to the level after this operation, what if the lay off time after the op is longer than expected and it takes months before I can effectvely train, what if I end up being out of competition next year completely and so on.
However, whilst thinking about for what urpose I was running the “what if” it suddenly hit me this is a normal behviour. Was it causing me a long term issue?? No because I know I will deal with the outcome when it happens. So why change it if it is a natural reaction and I know I can change it if I become unresourceful. you could argue by having that thought process at all I was being unresourceful but I argue that if we take away every natural reaction that doesnt fit into a “happy place” we are not dealing the issues that are there and in fact never recognise them and long term cannot deal with them.
So – for now I will sit here on this creaky ship, await the outcome of my operation tomorrow and then adjust accordingly.
Hurrah for being human – woooohoooooo for having a down side to help us recognise when we have the ups and RaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaR for being able to have the choice to change it!

Emma James takes 3rd World title and World Record

Emma James powerlifter

At the WPC World Powerliftng Championships, Emma James, the leading authority in NLP sport optimisation and coaching, took her 3rd world title and also a new world record.
Against the odds and proving her mental coaching techniques, she achieved a 172.5kg world record bench press to lift the 12th biggest bench press of all by by a woman.
She is currently about to have major surgery to her should which has caused huge difficulty to her competing over the last year and was scheduled for surgery immediately after the competition – against surgeons advice.
She will shortly embarking on the new year ahead with her acclaimed NLP Sport Practitioner and Optimisation coruses in the UK and also in a ground breaking move to South Africa with super power in sport now emerging as a mojor force.
To see her world record lft you can go to

For further information about her courses and training go to

Emma JAmes breaks World Record Benchpress – 12th biggest Benchpress of all time

Well now – I competed at the WPC World Powerlifting Championships on the 19th November and managed to bench 172.5kg which not only took the world title but also the world record.
Additionally, it is also the 12th biggest benchpress of all time by a woman and has been recorded as such.
If you want to see more then you can read further details and see the video footage of it at:

Amazing awareness possibilities

Its a strange thing awareness.
Awareness of self, awareness of self in relation to others, awareness of ones place in the universe and so on.
However, at the moment of awareness, the question is – what are you aware of and what fraction of “reality” are you thinking you see?
As the Q and Jean Luc Picard mused over the “what if you were sentenced to death” in a parallel universe and the Star Ship Enterprise teetered on possible imminent death or a quantum paradox – the question might be – what effect we are having on our every decision of every waking moment we have.
If you didnt makwe the cup of tea – what endless possibilities could you be opening up, like the phone ringing and it being THE ultimate contract offer.
If you sit down and look at your goal in life, looking back at it from successful completion and notice the infinite possibilities of each and every decision leading up to that point, then, could you in fact notice a goal which you may not have considered and had not seen due to social implication, difficulty of change, discounting of possibility based on your alleged awareness of your limitations and the list is endless.
If you in fact believe that all your percieved boundaries are just there to hold your world together like a crispy filo pastry, then at any moment the soggy bottom of the pastry could in fact give way to allow the contents to enter into the infinite possibility of the path of descent.
So – when you think about your goals – peel away the confines of everything you thought you knew so far and see what the real possibilities are – you might be amazed at the paths you realise you can have and pursue at this very moment.

Get out of the way – I’m coming through

Well now, today has been a whirlwind.
I have had a breakthrough with a therapy client which also involved adaptation on a technique which worked like a dream , the realisation that being the summer, there are no boots on sale and also that sweating profusely over another member of the gym doesnt always lead to sideways looks and things which they wished they had said!
A day of learning you have more friends than you though and that you connect with people you percieved as not connecting with you. Yes, the old projection thing!

Fiming Tomorrow – ooooh the boots

Well there you are, I couldnt even manifest a pair of new boots for the filming tomorrow with Channel M.
I am blessed with Channel M filming 4 segments tomorrow on the different aspects to what I do but I do have a social anxiety person missing which oculd mean having to create trauma for someone in the offices so as to give them social anxiety.
Hey ho – its all in a days work!

Fad Diets – Rebel against the diet industry today

Fad diets are a scourge that have been on the radar for quite some time. The diet industry is gaining momentum and now is the time to stop it in its tracks.

Take control of your body, mind and life NOW and rebel against the diet industry.


The Diet Industry. This is a multi million pound industry


How much money do you think you have spent on diets, pills, specific diet meals and courses? Hundreds, maybe thousands?


Have any of them worked for you long term?


The diet industry has made fortunes out of turning the very simple basics of weight loss into a complete mystery of selling various pills and compounds or selling you processed meals which cost more than preparing them yourself.


The seems to have been a mysterious vale brought up around dieting when in fact it really is very simple indeed. The only difficult part of changing your body shape and body fat levels is knowing what works for you and how to find out. Also, long term many diets are not sustainable which can cause repeated severe dieting and sometimes gaining more weight than you started off with!


The Secret?

There isn’t a secret. Its just about understanding your own system and how to tweak it to lose weight..


30 or 40 yeas ago, we didn’t have the convenience we have now and generally people were a lot more active. Shops were not as close, more people had to walk, less computer systems and entertainment involved having to go out.

We pretty much had to make our own entertainment and there were less home based activities. Having a car was not as common as it is now. Everyone now has a car and the people who cant drive are few and far between.


Our food was better; there was less processed food and more cooked from scratch with natural produce. A lot of the food was locally produced (especially where I was brought up in Belfast where at that time a Kiwi fruit was thought of as highly exotic!) Pre cooked and processed convenience food was more of a luxury than an every day occurrence


Many companies sprang up and began to offer potions, pills and diet solutions, some of them effective, some of them not so effective but very few of them actually offering a long term solution to managing your weight. It was about short term weight loss and not designed and your own body. Where would the profit be in giving people a solution long term and not giving them repeat business?


The way the industry seems to be working at the moment is either absolutely no information and they hold the key to the secret OR they give you apparently lots of information, just not quite enough to be able to do it yourself but will sell you all the meals, or give you all the information based on “normal” people, not us lot that apparently have to fight like hell to lose it and keep it off.


Many of the diets which are around are based on short term fast solutions which don’t keep the weight off long term. Its all part of the quick fix society we seem to have grown into and the “want it now” culture. It doesn’t have to be like that – its simple and easy AND you know what, the less you stress about it better the results you will get long term. 


Even apart from what I have written in my book Rebel Diet, you will probably by now know certain things that do work for you or you respond well to. They may work in a minor way long term or possibly work short term for you but doesn’t seem to work on a long term basis.

One piece of advice I can give you is that when you find something you respond well to, you can incorporate it into the regime in the book in some way AND USE IT! IT will be an indicator at some level of what you respond to and you are on your way to recognizing the signals which get you closer to understanding what your body needs and when.


So, when you see a new fad diet which claims to have miraculous results by taking out essential elements which assist us in staying healthy put a question mark over it. When you see a new slimming drug, put another question mark over it and ask yourself, what can I do to get to know my own system and understand how it works and walk away from the diet industry for good?


Free yourself from diet hell, turn your back on the pills potions and extreme diets and Rebel. Get to know you, understand what you need to do to turn up your metabolic rate and also understand what will effect it and  slow it down.


Take back control – change your mind, change your body and change your life.



Author of Rebel Diet

Rebellious Books

Well, its official, I’m an author!

All very serial really and I have to admit that I worry every time I hear someone I know is about to read it. Silly, as the very subject I write about is something which exudes passion in me – maybe its because it took time and effort and headaches to write that I worry the baby may not endear everyone!

Ok – it’s Rebel Diet, yes, its called Rebel Diet – oh, did I mention it is called Rebel Diet?!?!

Alright, I’ll get on with it.

Its based on the fact that if your mental state is right then your body tends to react and change accordingly into a state of readiness. The added advantage is that it can have a knock on effect on your motivation, energy levels and body image including your self confidence. I also cover issues with body image, comfort eating and problems which can occur with yo-yo dieting and binge eating.

It is truly amazing how a state change can affect your entire physiology  but quite honestly, its just a logical chain reaction.

Its all very well being a happy bunny I hear you say, well this is where the experience as a therapist kicks in and I go into how to change those states and create momentum to manage and change weight along with a system for diet. This also includes an obligatory REBEL DAY one day week! Not only is this an ENFORCED cheat day, its also a day to do something solely for you and a day you can work towards all week – therefore creating momentum forwards continuously where the goal is only ever 6 days away at the most.

So, of course I am asking everyone to support me please and take a look at the book.

I am shamelessly promoting it here I have to admit – and its for sale on Amazon at the moment with a bit of a pre launch discount! You can also take a look at the very basic and being worked on web site which gives details of up and coming seminars.

Ok, I’ll stop selling now and go away!!


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